Pozzo research group member, Moeez, is working at Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) which is Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing in Berlin, Germany under the supervision of Dr. ir. Brian R. Pauw. The four week long trip encompasses full stack Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) training including instrumentation, experimentation and data analysis. His training also included getting hands on experience on EPICS (Experimental Physics Instrumentation & Control System) and designing platforms that works on EPICS. These trainings would accelerate his own work on integrating microfluidics synthesis with SAXS in optimizing the structure of nanoparticles. Outside work, he is found exploring museums in Berlin, running with different running groups and trying cuisines from around the world.
Learn more about Moeez's experience here.

His trip was supported by Clean Energy Institute (CEI) and Molecular Engineering Materials Center (MEMC) travel grants.